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results for 'Westbourne Publishers Limited' in category written works filtered on right holder
Known creators or right holders: Katherine Louise Oldmeadow , Cornish Brothers Limited
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000251-1)
Known creators or right holders: William Arthur Ward (deceased) , Drake House Publishers (disbanded)
Known identifiers: 0837567491
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Fallon London
Status: Application Withdrawn (OWLS000098-1)
Known creators or right holders: Isobel Wylie Hutchison , Blackie and Son's Limited
Known identifiers: B0006AO42O
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Joe Everitt
Status: Application Received (OWLS000389-1)
Known creators or right holders: Northern Ireland Railway Company Limited
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Linen Hall Library
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000264-4)
Known creators or right holders: The creator was Robert Bain , The publishers were Gowans and Gray in 1926
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Dr John Walker
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000265-1)