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results for 'Louis J Cabri' in category music notation filtered on title
Known creators or right holders: Peter R MacLeod , Patersons Publications
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000219-24)
Known creators or right holders: Graeme Townsend
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000222-10)
Known creators or right holders: Charlie Lennon
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000233-3)
Known creators or right holders: Artia (Prague, 1959) , Josef Antonín Štěpán (1726-1797)
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Licensee name: Rikki Avi Wolpowitz
Status: Application Received (OWLS000285-1)
Known creators or right holders: Arthur Wood
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000233-5)
Known creators or right holders: Jayme Ovalle , Casa Arthur Napoleao
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Licensee name: Andree-Ann Deschenes
Status: Application Withdrawn (OWLS000121-1)
Known creators or right holders: Donald MacLeod , D MacLeod
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000219-28)
Known creators or right holders: Andrew Rankine
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000219-22)
Known creators or right holders: None
Known identifiers: None
Category: Music notation
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000222-4)