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results for 'Edward Taylor' filtered on description
Orphan work image
Known creators or right holders: possibly George Bushell & Son of Henley
Known identifiers: None
Category: Still visual art
Licensee name: The Fitzwilliam Museum
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000376-1)
Known creators or right holders: William Clowes & Sons
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Professor André Singer
Status: Application Received (OWLS000337-1)
Known creators or right holders: Lilian Buckley (nee Dove-Wilcox)
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000161-1)
Known creators or right holders: J Venable , Shelview Pub. Co/J Shelton Jr
Known identifiers: Record Label Numbers Daran: D0108 Beacon: SBEAB9 Windmill: WMD 124
Category: Sound recordings
Licensee name: ND Emery
Status: Licence Expired (OWLS000058-1)