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results for 'Christopher Nicholas Posner'
Known creators or right holders: M. N. J. Butler
Known identifiers: 0-95225537-0-8
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000102-1)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Script and choreography
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-15)
Known creators or right holders: Jonathan Cape , Nicholas Evans , Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974)
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-14)
Known creators or right holders: Jonathan Cape , Nicholas Evans , Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974)
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-13)
Known creators or right holders: Jonathan Cape , Nicholas Evans , Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974)
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-12)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Script and choreography
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-11)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-10)
Known creators or right holders: Concord Theatricals/Samuel Fench Ltd , Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans , Ronald Gow (deceased 1993) , Anthony Gow
Known identifiers: None
Category: Script and choreography
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-9)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans , Arthur Wragg (deceased 1976) , James Brook , Selwyn and Blount
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-8)
Known creators or right holders: Hutchinson , Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-7)
Known creators or right holders: Hutchinson & Co , Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-6)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-5)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-4)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-3)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Script and choreography
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-2)
Known creators or right holders: Walter Greenwood (deceased 1974) , Nicholas Evans
Known identifiers: None
Category: Script and choreography
Licensee name: The University of Salford
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000323-1)
Known creators or right holders: Christopher William Clayton Hutton , Pickle Partners Publishing
Known identifiers: 1786256967 , 9781786256966
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Scott A. Butterfield
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000298-1)
Orphan work image
Known creators or right holders: None
Known identifiers: None
Category: Still visual art
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000339-17)
Known creators or right holders: Lucy Philip Mair
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Licensee name: Sarah C. Dunstan
Status: Licence Granted (OWLS000293-2)
Known creators or right holders: None
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Expired (OWLS000075-27)
Known creators or right holders: None
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Expired (OWLS000075-12)
Known creators or right holders: None
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Expired (OWLS000075-11)
Known creators or right holders: None
Known identifiers: None
Category: Written works
Status: Licence Expired (OWLS000073-6)