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Details of this orphan work

These are the known details of this orphan work. If you know who the right holder is for this work, please contact us.

Work details

Thumbnail of still image:
Orphan work image
Applicant or licensee name:
Patrick R Goold
Applicant or licensee country:
United Kingdom
Application number:
Application date:
Status of application:
Licence Granted
Title or short description:
A photograph showing two toy bricks produced by the Asahi Toy Company (Japan). One brick is red and depicts the underside of the brick. The second brick is green and depicts the brick from the top.
Full description:
A photograph showing two toy bricks produced by the Asahi Toy Company (Japan). One brick is red and shows the under side of the brick; one brick is green and shows the brick from the top side. The bricks depicted are not protected by any intellectual property rights (copyright, patent, trade mark or designs).
Still visual art
Type of work:
Museum, gallery, library or archive holding the work:
Details and dates of publication, broadcast and/or distribution:
It has been published here:


In a text book that is published

Known creators or right holders


Known identifiers

eg International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
