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Details of this orphan work

These are the known details of this orphan work. If you know who the right holder is for this work, please contact us.

Work details

Applicant or licensee name:
Sarah C. Dunstan
Applicant or licensee country:
United Kingdom
Application number:
Application date:
Status of application:
Licence Granted
Title or short description:
Lucy Philip Mair, The Protection of Minorities: The Working and Scope of the Minorities Treaties under theLeague of Nations (London: Christophers, 1928), 17–29.
Full description:
This book was published in London in 1928. It is 244 pages in length.
Written works
Type of work:
Museum, gallery, library or archive holding the work:
It is in circulation in a number of university libraries.
Details and dates of publication, broadcast and/or distribution:
It was published in 1928 by the publishers, Christophers.


In an anthology that is published

Known creators or right holders

Type Located Name
Creator Yes Lucy Philip Mair

Known identifiers

eg International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
