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Details of this orphan work

These are the known details of this orphan work. If you know who the right holder is for this work, please contact us.

Work details

Thumbnail of still image:
Orphan work image
Applicant or licensee name:
Kate Imy
Applicant or licensee country:
United States
Application number:
Application date:
Status of application:
Application Received
Title or short description:
Documents.10530. Image contained in H. H. Somerfield Papers, Imperial War MuseumArchives. Image depicts four men (presumably one British and three South Asian) standing together and a younger boy standing to the side.
Full description:
Black and white photograph of four men standing together taken most likely in 1930s India. It depicts four men, probably soldiers. Three are South Asian and one is British. They are standing outside in front of a building. There is an Indian boy standing to the right of them behind some shrubbery. There are bushes on either side of the photo and a tree hanging overhead. The doorway behind the men is arched and there are bars visible behind the men. One man is wearing a uniform with long pants, the three other men are wearing shorts with collared shirts. Two of the men are wearing turbans or pagris. One man has no head covering. The fourth man is wearing a hat.
Still visual art
Type of work:
Museum, gallery, library or archive holding the work:
Imperial War Museum
Details and dates of publication, broadcast and/or distribution:


In a book that is published (excluding text books)

Known creators or right holders


Known identifiers

eg International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
