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Details of this orphan work

These are the known details of this orphan work. If you know who the right holder is for this work, please contact us.

Work details

Applicant or licensee name:
Maryam Qahir
Applicant or licensee country:
United Kingdom
Application number:
Application date:
Status of application:
Application Withdrawn
Title or short description:
History at Harewood
Full description:
History at Harewood , who lived at Harewood , illustrated by photo images of them , I have written and published a article on website written by me at the time of Working for leaning office department. A article between 1000-2000. Over 16 Rooms at Harewood - 4 are described . Fine China , latest exhibition news. Activities and Harewood today, bestowed upon a charitable trust fund, open to benefit the public
Written works
Type of work:
Journal article
Museum, gallery, library or archive holding the work:
Details and dates of publication, broadcast and/or distribution:
2015 June - sept


Free hand outs for live event, exhibition or similar
Use in a live event, exhibition or similar
In newsletter, bulletin, e-newsletter or e-bulletin
In non-commercial promotional material – print and digital
Digitise and make available on-line, including on social media
Preservation purposes
Use on stage or in performance
Educational purposes – use in learning/ training materials, including e-learning
Use in thesis/dissertation
Personal use

Known creators or right holders


Known identifiers

eg International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
